12th Std Computer Science Important Questions – Public Exam 2025

Prepare effectively for your 12th Computer Science Public Exam 2025 with our carefully curated list of important questions. Covering key topics from the latest syllabus, these questions help students focus on essential concepts, programming logic, and theory. Boost your confidence and score high with our expert-selected questions tailored for Tamil Nadu State Board students. Stay ahead with Padidaa.com!

Two Marks

1.What is subroutine?Ln1
2.Define function with respect to programming language?Ln1
3.Differentiate interface and implementation.?Ln1
4.Write the inference you get from X := (78).Ln1
5.What is abstract data type?Ln2
6.Differentiate Constructors and selectors?Ln2
7.What is Tuple? Give an example?Ln2
8.What do you mean by Namespaces?Ln3
9.What is mapping?Ln3
10.What is a scope?Ln3
11.Define Pseudocode?Ln4
12.What is an Algorithm?Ln4
13.What are the different modes that can be used to test Python program?Ln5
14.Write short notes on Tokens?Ln5
15.What are the different operators that can be used in Python?Ln5
16.Write a python code to get the following output.?Ln5 pg54
Enter the Number 1: 34
Enter the Number 2:56
The Sum = 90
17.Write short note on keywords?Ln5 pg56.
18.What is literal? Explin the types of literals?Ln5 Pg61.
19.List the Control structures in Python.Ln6
20.Write short on range() in loop?Ln6
21.Write the syntax of nested if..elif..else statement.Ln6 Pg71
22.Write the syntax of if…else statement.Ln6
23.Define control structure?Ln6
24.Write the different types of function.Ln7
25.What is anonymous Function?Ln7 Pg97
26.What are the main advantages of function?Ln7
27What is the use of replace () in Python? Write the general format of replace ().Ln8 pg117
28.How will you delete a string in python?Ln8
29.What will be the output of the following python code? Ln8
Str 1 = “Welcome”
Print (Str 1 x 4)
30.What is set in python?Ln9
31.Write the syntax of creating a Tuple with n number of elements?Ln9
32.What will be output of the following python code?Ln9pg114
Squares = [x**2 for x in range(1,11)]
Print (squares)
33.What will be the value of x in the following python code?Ln9
l = [2, 4, 6 [1, 3, 5]]
x = len (l)

34.What is class?Ln10
35.How will you create constructor in python?Ln10
36.What is instantiation?Ln10
37.List some examples of RDBMS.Ln11
38.What is the difference between Hierarchical and Network data model?Ln11
39.What is Normalization?Ln11
40.Write a query that select all students whose age is greater than 18 in orderwise?Ln12
41.Differentiate Unique and Primary Key Constraint?Ln12
42.What is data Manipulation Language?Ln12 208
43.Mention the default modes of the file?Ln13
44.What is CSV file?Ln13
45.What is use of next() function?Ln13
46.Mention the two ways to read a CSV file using Python?Ln13
47.Differentiate between sort method and sorted method.Ln13 Pg13
48.What is the use of modules ?Ln14
49.Differentiate compiler and interpreter.Ln14
50.What is the use of ‘cd’ command give an example.Ln14
51.What method is used in SQL to fetch all records from a table in a database?Ln15 pg297
52.List the general types of data visualization.Ln16

Three Mark Questions

1.Differentiate pure and impure function.Ln1
2.Mention the characteristic of Interface?Ln1 Pg3
3.Why strlen is called pure function?Ln1
4.Identify which of the following are list, Tuple and Class?Ln2
a) arr [1, 2, 3, 4] b) arr (1, 2, 3, 4) c) student (rno, name, mark) d) day = (‘sun’, ‘mon’)
e) x = [2, 5, 6, 5, [8, 6, 9], 10.2] f) employee[eno, ename, esal]
5.What are the different ways to access the elements of a list. Give example?Ln2
6.Differentiate concrete data type and abstract data type?Ln2
7.Which strategy is used for program designing? Define that Strategy.Ln2
8.Why access control is required?Ln3
9.Define Global Scope with an example?Ln3
10.Write any five benefits in using modular programmingLn3
11.What do you understand by dynamic programming?Ln4
12.Llist the characteristics of an algorithm?Ln4
13.Write a note on Asymptotic notation?Ln4
14.Explain ternary operator with examples?Ln5
15.Write short notes on Arithmetic operator with examples?Ln5
16.Explain input() and print() functions with examples.Ln5
17.Write the syntax of while.loop?Ln6
18.Explain the jump statements in Python with suitable examples.Ln619.Write a python program to display the given pattern?Ln6
20.List the differences between break and continue statements?Ln6
21.Using if..else..elif statement write a suitable program to display largest of 3 numbers.Ln6
22.Write a program to displayLn6
23.Write the rules of local variable.Ln7
24.Differentiate ceil () and floor () function?Ln7
25.Write a short about the followings with suitable example.Ln8
b) Swap case ()
a) Capitalize ()
26.Write a note about count() function in python.Ln8
27.Write note on range () function?Ln9
28.Write a short note about sort ()?Ln9
29.What are the advantages of tuples over list?Ln930.What is the output of the following snippet.Ln9
divBy4 = []
for i in range(21):
if (i%4==0)
31.What are class members? How do you define it?Ln10
32.How to define constructor and destructor in Python?Ln10
33.What is the role of DBA?Ln11
34.Explain object Model with an example.Ln11
35.What is the difference between select and project command?Ln11
36,Write about the Types of DBMS Users.Ln11
37.Write a short note on DELETE, TRUNCATE AND DROP statement in SQL?Ln12 Pg218
38.Write any three DDL commands.Ln12
39.Write a SQL statement using DISTINCT keyword.Ln12
40.Explain DROP TABLE command with example.Ln12 Pg218
41.What is the difference between the write mode and append mode?Ln13
42.What is the difference between csv reader() method and DictReader() class?Ln13
43.Write a python program to read a CSV file with default delimiter comma (.)Ln1344.What is the difference between reader () and Dict Reader () functions?Ln13
45.Write a note on open () function of python. What is the difference between the two methods?Ln13
46.What is sys.argv? Give a note of it.Ln14
47.What is MinGW? What is its use?Ln14
48.What are the applications of scripting language?Ln14
49.Write about the steps of python program executing c++ program using control statement?Ln14
50.What is SQLite ? What is it advantage?Ln15
51.Mention the difference between fetchone() and fetchmany()?Ln15
52.Write any three uses of data visualization?Ln16

Five Marks

1.What are called parameters and write a note on?Ln1
i) Parameter without type
ii) Parameter with type
2.What is list? Why list can be called as pairs. Explain with suitable example.Ln2
3.How will you faciliate data abstraction. Explain it with suitable example?Ln2
4.Write any five characteristics of modules.Ln3
5.Explain the types of scopes for variable with LEGB rule with example.Ln3
6.Explain the Bubble sort algorithm with example?Ln4
7.What is binary search? Discuss with example.Ln4
8.Write a detailed note on for loop.Ln6
9.Describe in detail the procedure script mode programming.Ln5
10.Write a detail note on if … else… elif statement with suitable example?Ln6
11.Explain about string operators in python with suitable example?Ln8
12.What is nested tuple? Explain with an example?Ln9
13.Explain about Constructor and destructor with Suitable example?Ln10 Pg173
14.Explain the different types of relationship mapping.Ln11
15.Explain the characteristics of DBMS.Ln11
16.What are the components of SQL? Write the commands in each.Ln11
17.Write a SQL statement to create a table for employee having any five fields and create a table constraint for
the employee table.n12
18.Differentiate Excel file and CSV file.Ln13
19.Write the different methods to read a file in python?Ln13
20.Explain with an example interface and implementation?Ln1321.What the different ways to insert an element in a list. Explain with suitable example.Ln9
22.Explain the scope of variables with an examples?Ln7
23.Explain the purpose of following functions?Ln16
a) plt. xlabel () b) plt.ylabel() c) plt. tittle () d) plt. legend () e) plt. show ()
24.Explain the various buttons in a matplotlib window.Ln16
25.Write the rules to be followed to format the data in a CSV file.Ln1325.What is the output of the following?Ln8 Pg120
str1 = “Welcome to Python”
(i) print(str1)
(ii) print(str1[11:17])
(iii) print(str1[11:17:2])
(iv) print(str1[:: 4])
(v) print(str1[::-4])
26.Write the different types of constraints and their functions.Ln12
27.What is the purpose of sys, os, getopt module in Python. Explain?Ln14
28.Explain with example Pure and impure functions.Ln1
29.Explain with example Nested loop structure.?Ln6
30.What is the purpose of range()? Explain with an example.Ln9
31.Explain Aggregate Functions.Ln15 Pg303
32.Explain in detail the types of pyplots using Matplotlib.Ln16 Pg333
33.Discuss in detail about Tokens in python.Ln5
34.Write a program to display multiplication table for a given number.Ln6
35.Write any five benefits in using modular programming.Ln3
36.Explain the different operators in Relational algebra with suitable examples.Ln11
37.Discuss about linear search algorithm?n4
38.Write the syntax for getopt() and explain its arguments and return values?Ln14
39.Differentiate DBMS and RDBMS?n11
40.Explain ‘continue’ statement with an example?Ln6 Pg82
41.Explain about differences between Histogram and Bar Graph?n16 pg328

Additional Important

Two Marks :

  1. Why scope should be used for variable?Ln3
  2. Define local scope?Ln3 Pg23
  3. Explain Built in scope with example?Ln3 pg25
  4. List the types of visualization in matplotlib?Ln16
  5. What is algorithhmic solution?Ln4 Pg33
  6. Program to illustrate the use of for loop to print single digit even number?Ln6 Example 6.10 Pg78
  7. What will be the output of given python program?Import math?Ln7 pg106 example x=26.7
  8. List out the types of function arguments in python?Ln7 Pg92
  9. What is slicing a string in python?Ln8
  10. List out set operations supported by python along with its operators?Ln9
  11. Differentiate between del command and clear() function in list?Ln9
  12. What is data consistency?Ln11
  13. Write the difference between table constraint and column constraint?Ln12
  14. What is constraint?Ln12
  15. Write SQL TCL commands?Ln12 pg209
  16. How can you create a csv file that contains double quotes with data?Ln13 pg236
  17. What is scripting Language?Give Example?Ln14 pg 268
  18. Which method is used to connect a database?give an example?Ln15

Three Marks:

  1. Explain any 3 string functions with an example?Ln8 Pg123
  2. Explain variable-Length Arguments in python?Ln7 pg96
  3. Read the following details.Based on that write a python script to display department wise records ?Ln15 Q4
  4. Write a SQL statement using Between and Not Between Keywords?Ln12 Pg222
  5. Write sql delete command with example?Ln12 pg 216
  6. Write short note on csv.writer()Ln13 Pg254
  7. Explain format() function with example?Ln7 pg105
  8. Explain the following built in function 1)islower() 2)lower() 3len(ster)Ln8 Pg124
  9. Write a program that accept a string from the user and display the same after removing vowels from it?Ln8 Pg127
  10. Explain the enclosed scope with an example?Ln3 Pg24
  11. What is the difference between Algorith and program?Ln4 pg 33
  12. Write pseudocode for linear search?Ln 4 Pg36
  13. Write short notes on Escape sequences with example?Ln5

Five Marks :

  1. Explain recursive function with an example?n7
  2. Explain with an example del,remove(),pop(), clear() functions of list in python?Ln9 Pg141
  3. Find the error in the following program to get the given output?Ln10 Q3
  4. What is the output of the following program?Ln10 Q4
  5. Explain the different set operations supported by python with suitable example?Ln9
  6. Tabulate the different mode with its meaning?Ln13
  7. Write any five features of python?Ln14
  8. Explain the different types of data model?Ln11
  9. Consider the following employee table. Write SQL commands for the qtns.(i) to (v).Ln12 Q2
  10. What is the use of having clause.Give an Example.Python script?Ln12
  11. Explain the insertion sort Algorithm with Example?Ln4 Pg40
  12. Explain the types of function arguments with an example?Ln7 Pg93
  13. Write a program to calculate area and circumference of a circle using constructors?Ln10 Pg177
  14. Write ddl commands with suitable example?Ln12
  15. Write the features of python over c++?Ln14 Pg269
  16. Write python program for pie-chart?Ln16 Pg328
  17. Write a note on : a.Comments in python b.Indentation?Ln5 Pg55
  18. Write the output for the following python program?Pg57 Program 5.1
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