๐งช 12th Chemistry Important Two Mark Questions โ Public Exam 2025
๐ Boost Your Chemistry Score with 2-Mark Questions!
Prepare for the 12th Chemistry Public Exam 2025 with our chapter-wise important two mark questions selected from previous year board exam papers. These questions help students quickly revise key concepts and secure easy marks in the exam.
๐น Chapter-wise 2-mark questions with answers
๐น Based on Tamil Nadu Board syllabus
๐น Repeated questions from previous year question paper
๐น Covers Organic, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry
Chapter 1 : Metallurgy
- What are the differences between minerals and ores?
- Describe the role of the following in the process mentioned.(i) Silica in the extraction of copper.(ii) Cryolite in the extraction of aluminium.(iii) Iodine in the refining of Zirconium.(iv) Sodium cyanide in froth floatation.
- Which type of ore can be separated from froth floatation method? Give two examples.
- Explain Mond’s process of refining Nickel?
- Define Gangue and slag?
- Explain Acid leaching with an example?
- What is the role of Limestone in the extraction of Iron from its oxide Fe2O3?
- What are the various steps involved in extraction of pure metals from their ores ? (b/b : 2)
- How copper matte is formed?
- write short notes on Auto reduction?pg10
Chapter 2 : p-Block Elements-I
- Write a note on fisher tropsch synthesis?
- How will you identify borate radical? Or Ethyl Borate Test ?
- What are the uses of silicones?
- Write the uses of Borax?
- What are the uses of boric acid?
- What is inert pair effect?Pg52
Chapter 3 : p-Block Elements – II
- Write the properties of interhalogen compounds?(any four)Ln3
- Sulphuric acid is a dibasic acid.Prove it?Ln3
- How bleaching powder is prepared?pg85
- Uses of oxygen?Pg75
Chapter 4 : Transition and Inner Transition Elements
- Explain why cr2+ is strongly reducing while MN3+ is strongly oxidizing?Ln4
- What are interstitial compounds?Ln4
- What is lanthanoid contraction?pg121
- What is bayer’s reagent?pg117
Chapter 5 : Coordination Chemistry
- [Ti(h20)6]3+ is coloured while [Sc(H20)6]3+ is colourless.why?Ln5
- Write the Iupac name of the following compounds?Ln51.CH2=CH-CH2OHย ย ย 2.C6H6-O-C2H5
- Explain coordination isomerism with an example?Ln5
- What are the limitations of VB theory?Ln5
- Write the Iupac ligand name for the following?Ln51.c2o4 2- 2H2O
- Define the term central atom in coordination compounds?Ln5
- What is meant by the term “coordination Number”? what is the cordination number of atoms in a bcc structure?Pg134 Ans :cordination Number is 8
Chapter 6 : Solid State
- Define unit cell.
- If the number of close packed sphere is 6,calculate the number of octahedral voids and tertrahedral voids generated?
- Give any three characteristics of ionic crystals?
- Calculate the number of atomes in BCC unit cell?
- Calculate the number of atoms present in fcc unit cell?
- Define packing efficiency?
- Sodium metal crystallizes is bcc structure with the edge length of the unit cell 4.3×10-8cm.calculate the radius of sodium atom?
- What are called molecular crystals?Give exampleLn6
- Define isotropy?Ln6
- Give any two characteristics of ionic crystals?
- Classify the following into covalent,molecular,ionic and metallic solids?
- what is braggs’s equation?Pg184
- What is metal defiency defect?Give example Pg195
Chapter 7 : Chemical Kinetics
- The rate constant of first order reaction is 1.54 x 10-3s-1.Find its half life period?Ln7 BB
- Define pseudo first order reaction?Ln7
- Define half life period?pg215
Chapter 8 : Ionic Equilibrium
- Account for the acidic nature of HCIO4 in terms of Bronsted – Lowry theory,Identify its conjugate base?Ln8
- Define buffer solution?Ln8
- Explain common ion effect with example?Ln8
- What is conjugate Acid-Base Pairs?Ln8
Chapter 9 : Electro Chemistry
- What are the various process to prevent corrosion?
- A solution of silver nitrate is electrolysed for 20 minutes with a current of 2 amperes.calculate the mass of silver deposited at the cathode?
- Caculate the standard emf of the given cell at 250c? Zn(s) | zn2+ (aq,1m) || cu2+ (aq,1M) Cu(s) (E0 Zn | Zn2+ = 0.76v,E0 Cu | Cu2+ = -0.34v
- Why does conductivity of a solution decrease on dilution of the solution ?
- Define equivalent conductance?pg37
- Define Molar conductance?Pg36
Chapter 10 : Surface Chemistry
- What are the factors affecting adsorption?Ln10
- Explain autocatalysis with suitable example?Ln10
- What are catalytic poisons?Give two exampleLn10
- Why are lyophillic colloidal sols are more stable than lyophobic colloidal sol. BB9
- What is negative catalysis?pg79
Chapter 11 : Hydroxy Compounds and Ethers
- Write the tests for phenol?Ln11
- Identify the product (s) is /are formed when 1-methoxy propane is heated with excess of HI?Ln11
- How does glycerol react with KHSO4?Ln11
- Convert glycerol to acrolein or How acrolein is prepared?Ln11
- What is meant by Tyndall effect?
- Write saponification reaction?pg110
- How will you convert phenol into the following compounds?A.picric acid(Nitration:pg129) B.Phenolphthalein(Phthalein reaction:Pg131) C.Salicyl aldehyde(Reimer Tiemen pg 130)
- How anisole reacts with one mole of HI?
Chapter 12 : Carbonyl Compounds and Carboxylic Acids
- Write the rosenmund reduction reaction?mention the role of Baso4?Ln12
- Write knoevenagal reaction?Ln12
- Explain popoff’s rule?Ln12
- How will you convert acetone into propane?Ln12 pg 160
Chapter 13 : Organic Nitrogen Compounds
- What is chloropicrin?How is it prepared?Ln13
- Write mustard oil reaction?Ln13
Chapter 14 : Organic Nitrogen Compounds
- Give any two difference between DNA and RNA?Ln14
- What are called epimers?give two examples?Ln14
- What are hormones?give exampleLn14
- Write a note on peptide bond?pg252
- write a note on isoelectric point? Pg 252
Chapter 15 : Organic Nitrogen Compounds
- How is nylon 6,6 prepared?Ln15
- What are antibiotics?Give exampleLn15
- State any three advantages of food additives?Ln15
- How terylene prepared?pg289
- What are disinfectant?Pg282
๐ Quick Links for Exam Success:
โ 12th Chemistry 3-Mark Questions 2025
โ 12th Chemistry 5-Mark Questions 2025
โ 12th Chemistry important two, Three & Five mark questions 2025
โ 12th Public Exam Study Materials PDF
๐ฏ Why Focus on 2-Mark Questions in 12th Chemistry?
Two-mark questions are a crucial part of the Chemistry public exam, covering definitions, chemical reactions, numerical problems, and key concepts. Mastering these ensures full marks in this section.
๐ Chapter-wise 2-Mark Questions Covered:
๐น Organic Chemistry โ Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, Ethers, Carbonyl Compounds
๐น Inorganic Chemistry โ Coordination Compounds, P-Block Elements, Metallurgy
๐น Physical Chemistry โ Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Thermodynamics
๐น Solid State, Solutions & Surface Chemistry
๐ข More 12th Physics Exam Resources:
๐ 12th physics important two marks public exam 2025
๐ 12th physics important three marks public exam 2025
๐ 12th physics important three marks public exam 2025
๐ข External References for Chemistry Exam Preparation:
๐ 12th Chemistry One mark shortcuts 2025
๐ 12th chemistry public exam 2025 study plan
๐ Maximize Your Scores! Visit Padidaa.com for the latest 12th Public Exam updates, study materials, and video lectures! ๐ฏ